Tony Cyprus

Rare duck shot in Big Branch NWR

Whatever the reason — from flooded corn fields up north, milder winters or any number of conspiracy theories floating around online — duck hunters in the Bayou State just haven’t seen masses of birds migrating to Louisiana’s dissolving wetlands compared to just a few generations ago.


A redhead captured in flight by Kevin Hynes

How to prepare trophy ducks

The reasons duck hunters choose for mounting a particular bird are as varied as the waterfowl family itself. Regardless of why a bird is chosen for a trip to the taxidermist, duck hunters generally agree they want a finished product worthy for display.[…]

Bonito are a nuisance to tuna seekers

Late night delight

Anyone fortunate enough to see the Delta’s offshore waters at night, knows the incredible vision of flood lights illuminating the many oil and gas platforms. The bright stuff is intended for human safety, but fish know how to leverage this bait-gathering influence to their benefit.[…]

Inshore Fishing

Stuck on Hobie

Steve Lessard started kayak fishing seven years ago. The Dutchtown resident was tired of the expenses and work after trips that went with the motorboat experience, but wanted to keep fishing. […]