Try these two Louisiana duck WMAs
There are alternatives to emptying your checkbook to pay for great Louisiana duck hunting, like these two WMAs at opposite ends of the state.[…]
There are alternatives to emptying your checkbook to pay for great Louisiana duck hunting, like these two WMAs at opposite ends of the state.[…]
Morehouse Parish guide Johnny Wink shares his almost 50 years of duck-hunting know-how to help hunters kill more ducks this season.[…]
Although it’s not as prevalent as it once was, flooded timber still provides Louisiana’s hunters with plenty of opportunities to fill their straps.[…]
Decoy rules from Creighton Ward. […]
There is a big difference between “Contest Calling” and “Blind calling.” What sounds good to a judge in a competition will not convince many ducks to come to your pond.[…]
Sometimes it just pays to be right in the place at the right time. That’s definitely the case with duck hunting.[…]
The waterfowl study leader for the LDWF comes across hunters’ efforts at producing realistic decoy spreads from his seat in the plane. Here’s his advice for the best set-ups.[…]
With so many quality options for chasing waterfowl on the Bayou State’s public land, most hunters usually find a few birds for the pot.[…]
Landing zones – Though creating defined landing zones is often a favorite decoy pattern for hunters, it only takes observing a raft of puddle ducks one time to realize they will plop down just about anywhere — regardless of an available zone.[…]
Lively discussions about decoy spread strategies have probably gone on since wood carvers starting crafting lifelike dekes in the 1800s.[…]
Larry Reynolds is a man who wears two hats.
One is a perfect fit for the waterfowl study leader at the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries — a position he’s held since 2008. […]
With all the waterfowl gear available in the sporting goods world today, Davy and Colby Daniels are pretty basic — and old school — in their approach to guiding their 300 to 400 duck hunters each season.[…]
With Louisiana’s coastal and west zones set to crank up this Saturday morning, duck hunters across the state will be prepping all week in advance of opening day.[…]
Archer Daniels looked up at the ducks, grabbed the Haydel duck call and blew hard as he could.[…]
Backlit faintly by the early morning glow, they came as we’d hoped. Silhouettes — large and deliberate, and small and acrobatic — bombarded our spread.[…]
Carving waterfowl decoys sounds incredibly intimidating. Not so, said Cal Kingsmill, probably the visible ambassador for the art.[…]