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Look out! Legislature back in session

There are many things I love about spring — manicured azaleas bursting with red, purple and white blossoms, the smell of freshly cut grass carried on thick breezes, and the rhythmic “tick-tick-tick” of a topwater bait that’s interrupted by an explosion from a yet unidentified fish.[…]

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Ask Captain Paul

Is your unit performing at its best?

Did you know that there may be a free upgrade to your present GPS receiver? No you don’t have to return the unit to the manufacturer for upgrading. If your GPS receiver has a capability to attach a PC interface cable to a computer, you or anyone who is computer literate may install the upgrade.[…]

Marine Electronics

Electronics lingo made simple

Reading the owner’s manual for a fish finder or GPS navigator exposes you to terminology found nowhere else. Here is a quick primer translating some common but important terms in the language of electronics.[…]

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Ask Captain Paul

It’s not difficult to convert coordinates

Capt. Paul:

I was wondering how to convert lat/lon coordinates. A source of information on current rig locations in the Gulf of Mexico list their locations in the following strange format as I have listed below. I would like to be able to convert into a ddd mm.mmm format that I use in my GPS unit.[…]