Deer Hunting

The “almost” buck

A few seasons ago, I had a great opportunity during bow season. I was hunting in an area where I had seen several nice deer the previous season, so I set up a bow stand there. One evening, just as light was fading, a very nice (for the area) 8-point stepped out into the newly-planted food plot at 35 yards.[…]

Freshwater Fishing

So where do you hunt for choupique?

The Lirettes were fishing with permission in canals on private property. But choupique are found virtually everywhere in Louisiana, ranging from swamp and freshwater marsh bayous and canals to the state’s natural lakes and reservoirs from Toledo Bend on down.[…]

Bass Fishing

Carolina concepts

It’s rarely the first choice for modern anglers boasting tackle bags full of the latest-and-greatest, but it’s always a good idea to keep a Carolina rig handy. Now, the slow drag may seem askew compared to more active presentations common to the fall season.[…]

Bass Fishing

The Mag 12 Buzz Worm

That two different professional anglers can fish a new 12-inch worm completely differently — with both catching solid numbers of quality bass — is a testament to the new Mag 12 Buzz Worm from Mister Twister. […]

Deer Hunting

What’s in your deer pack?

Deer hunting has not been immune from advances in technology and tactics. Hunters run the gamut from bringing nothing more than a weapon and a pair of boots to an organized pack that contains everything but the kitchen sink.[…]


Louisiana’s deer habitat in decline

The key to a good deer management program is good habitat — plain and simple. The research that has been done measuring the impacts of good deer habitat is crystal clear on the subject: Good habitat provides the nutrition needed for optimal body growth and antler development.[…]