
Causeway Giving Up

Captain Greg Schlumbrecht of To Fish Charters

(985-960-1709 or moved to Tampa, Florida immediately after Hurricane Katrina due to initial reports that Lake Pontchartrain would quickly become a steaming cauldron of sludge stew.[…]

Bass Fishing

Back to Normal

Like most everybody else in Southeast Louisiana after Hurricane Katrina, my family and I spent our days assessing damage, clearing downed trees and just generally looking after other folks. Normal seemed such a long way away. It still does.[…]


Living (DU)large

Heaven for Brennan Head feels a lot like hell.

When the rest of South Louisiana is perspiring at leisure and debating the feasibility of cooking breakfast on the sidewalk, Head is smiling.[…]


Tarpon in the Triangle

As the morning sun was just starting to glow over the horizon, the Mr. Todd made its way down Tiger Pass. The needle on the vessel’s temperature gauge climbed almost as quickly as the thermometer, reflecting the record 95-degree heat radiating from the nearby marsh.

Capt. Coon Schouest slowed the vessel to check out the situation.[…]


Slack Busters

Robbie’s face lit up. His eyes bugged. A crazy grin creased his face. He’d just answered the cell phone from the passenger seat as we passed the Greater Macedonian Baptist Church on the way down to Venice.[…]


Bull Red Two-Step

Bobby Chouest wanted to head to the near-shore rigs to catch some bull reds, but Buggie Vegas suggested trying Caminada Pass before making the several-mile run.

Chouest didn’t feel very confident, since the tide was moving out, but he shrugged and headed for the boat.


Better Days Down Deep

The irritating blare of the alarm clock startled me awake at 2:45 a.m. I intentionally set it for that time, figuring I could quickly wash my face, get dressed and be out the door in 15 minutes.[…]


Yakkity Yak!

The illuminated sign in front of the gas station showed their price for regular at $2.09 a gallon. National Public Radio said those prices — or even higher — were here to stay: instability in Iraq, possible tensions between the US and the newly elected, ultra-conservative leader of Iran and a booming Chinese economy were some of the major factors.



On Target

One of the more pleasant “distractions” involving trolling baits for billfish off the Louisiana coast is the tasty by-catch of dolphin — dorado or mahi-mahi for sensitive or easily confused types — big enough to attack and get a hold of a bait designed for the biggest of bites. […]