The building of ‘Beulah Belle’
In the late ’40s and ’50s, the United States was undergoing a boom economy, recovering from restricted materiel supplies that resulted from World War II.[…]
In the late ’40s and ’50s, the United States was undergoing a boom economy, recovering from restricted materiel supplies that resulted from World War II.[…]
LCD screen brightness, contrast and resolution improve with every new generation of marine electronics. Higher pixel counts, new sonar technologies, more-vibrant colors and improved visibility under adverse light conditions let us see tiny sonar and chart details that would have been invisible a decade ago without zooming to enlarge the screen picture.[…]
I like bears. I like black ones, brown ones and white ones, and I like the fact they still roam free in some of their original habitat ranges. The wild places just wouldn’t seem quite as wild without the bear.[…]
A couple of years ago one frosty clear morning in early January 2011, as the whitetail rut was rapidly drawing to a close, I still had not closed the deal on a particular 6 ½-year-old buck that had been on our hit list for the better part of two seasons.[…]
For many folks, even kayakers, a fishing trip usually involves packing up and driving an hour or more to popular fishing areas far away from the big city. The hustle and bustle of city life is seldom equated with good fishing.[…]
Kevin Horton of Avery Island caught his monster while fishing western Vermilion Bay with friend Kenny Benoit on Aug. 17. Horton’s trophy trout measured 28 inches, and pulled the scales to 7.31 pounds.[…]
For fishing the Biloxi Marsh this time of year, live shrimp isn’t an absolute must, but it sure makes life a lot easier.[…]
Ulysse “Bootsie” Toups won the Southeast Division with a 5.22-pound speckled trout he weighed in at Grand Isle’s Bridge Side Marina.[…]
If you want to try fishing with big, hard swim baits but you don’t have the time, tools or expertise to tackle the task of making your own, you can purchase them online.[…]
“I’d been fishing that exact same spot faithfully for several weeks, literally every single day,” Weiss said. “I would show up early and anchor my boat in the same spot and throw out a big live shrimp or a croaker. […]
Herrmann invited me along on a fishing trip to test the big baits in a bass lake he likes to fish north of Lake Pontchartrain.[…]
Buz Craft fishes his grass-ripping technique with a stout, 7-foot rod and a 7:1 reel. Most scenarios find 15-pound fluorocarbon sufficient, but in heavier vegetation he’ll go with 65-pound PowerPro braid.[…]
Fishing big baits means you have to have the right equipment.[…]
Complementary to the grass-snagging tactic, burning Texas-rigged soft plastics over and through the grass can prove equally productive.[…]
The regulations for recreational shrimping in Louisiana can be found at www.wlf.louisiana.gov or in the 2013 Louisiana Fishing Regulations.[…]
Chalmette native Mike Herrmann discovered that redfish would pounce on his huge, custom-made lures while testing them on marsh bass.[…]