
Keeping it clean

LCD screen brightness, contrast and resolution improve with every new generation of marine electronics. Higher pixel counts, new sonar technologies, more-vibrant colors and improved visibility under adverse light conditions let us see tiny sonar and chart details that would have been invisible a decade ago without zooming to enlarge the screen picture.[…]


It just didn’t seem right

A couple of years ago one frosty clear morning in early January 2011, as the whitetail rut was rapidly drawing to a close, I still had not closed the deal on a particular 6 ½-year-old buck that had been on our hit list for the better part of two seasons.[…]


Urban ’yak fishing

For many folks, even kayakers, a fishing trip usually involves packing up and driving an hour or more to popular fishing areas far away from the big city. The hustle and bustle of city life is seldom equated with good fishing.[…]

Inshore Fishing

Ready-made lures

If you want to try fishing with big, hard swim baits but you don’t have the time, tools or expertise to tackle the task of making your own, you can purchase them online.[…]