Delacroix’s redfish are there for the picking
Plenty of factors influence where redfish live in Delacroix’s marsh. Casey Brunning of Hurricane Bay Charters knows where to look.[…]
Plenty of factors influence where redfish live in Delacroix’s marsh. Casey Brunning of Hurricane Bay Charters knows where to look.[…]
In this episode of Dockside TV, the crew goes to work into a redfish-infested pond armed with the Pumpkin Patch Matrix Craw.[…]
Capt. Todd Seither, a guide for Cajun Fishing Adventures in Buras, explains how he puts his clients on their limits of redfish.[…]
If you are having trouble getting on redfish, just look for schools of mullet. It’s as close to a guarantee to hot action as you’ll get.[…]
Marsh Man Masson targets redfish the most basic and efficient way to put them in the boat — with dead shrimp under a cork.[…]
Fall is prime time for redfish, and the venerable old spoon is still an effective, fun lure to throw in interior marshes for solid action.[…]
October offers fantastic redfish fishing. This Lafitte backup plan will keep your rod bowed and your ice chest full.[…]
Redfish move into Vermilion Bay, and you can catch all you want. Or you could bypass the crowds and target these unpressured redfish.[…]
This Big Lake guide knows just how to fill the boat with redfish and flounder — and even a few trout — in the fall.[…]
Capt. Curtis LeNormand shares some of his top tips to help you connect with more reds in the marsh through sight casting.[…]