Inshore Fishing

Strung out on string

Steve Smith is a fanatic about the line he uses. I asked why he uses spinning reels, when so many other guides would be lost without their baitcasters. His answer was simple, but led directly to his passion about lines.[…]

Deer Hunting

What pirogue to choose?

There are many different models of pirogues on the market, as well as homemade ones, and it is largely a matter of personal choice as to which one to use. I have owned both the Bobcat and Water Moccasin brands, and was happy with both.[…]


MOA Shooting Sticks

Browning’s new MOA Shooting Sticks give serious sportsmen the stable rest essential in making accurate rifle shots. Collapsible Bipod and Tripod models will be offered as well as Fixed Leg Bipod and Tripod models to accommodate various hunting situations. […]

Deer Hunting

Safety first

One has to be very careful in a pirogue because life-threatening accidents can happen in a split second. Craig Chandler discovered this several years ago while hunting on Dugdemona River.[…]


Up and Down

The Saints had just squeaked by Atlanta to clinch the wild-card playoff spot, and (not suspecting how Seattle would upset them during the play-off game) we were seriously pumped as we strolled outside onto Doc’s gazebo.[…]


Pelican Case

Designed as watertight/ crush-resistant armor for iPads, netbooks and tablet computers, the Pelican 1075 HardBack Case will protect just about any sensitive electronic device up to 10 inches from the rigors of travel.[…]

Deer Hunting

Hookings are scrapes

In an area that is covered by a minimum of several inches of water, it’s obvious that there can’t be scrapes on the ground. But it would be misguided to think that Joyce WMA deer don’t put down scrapes.[…]

Other Hunting

Best gun chokes, shot sizes

Woodcock hunting is a close-in type of upland bird hunting. Flushes are often directly under foot, particularly when pointing dogs are involved. Therefore, open chokes such as improved cylinder or even skeet are best utilized.[…]


Back Off

I’m not sure what it means to hunt anymore.

I used to know, when I snuck through the hardwood ridge between my parent’s house and the Bogue Chitto River with my single-shot 20-gauge shotgun crossing my chest at the ready, listening for shaking tree branches.[…]