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I’m not sure what it means to hunt anymore.

I used to know, when I snuck through the hardwood ridge between my parent’s house and the Bogue Chitto River with my single-shot 20-gauge shotgun crossing my chest at the ready, listening for shaking tree branches.[…]


No Lease, No Problem

As we soak our waders into yet another duck hunting season, many of us have already begun to reap the residuals from the productive ponds on our leases, while others have had ample time to allow their sore shooting shoulders to heal after experiencing the great pleasure of bagging the limits that come along with a guided trip.[…]

Deer Hunting

Right rifle

There are a myriad of rifle options for deer hunting, and everyone has their favorite. What likely ranks at the bottom of the list of most of today’s hunters would be the lowly .30-30.[…]

Inshore Fishing

Hopedale Front

Weather cycles pretty much make the fishing world go round in South Louisiana. The same cold fronts ­— along with the waning photoperiod — that drive speckled trout inland and the masses of white shrimp out also serve to sometimes violently flush the marsh when strong north winds make their way through the coastline.[…]