Apex Predator

Gear up for bayou bullfrogging

When it comes to frogging, having the best gear will definitely put more legs in the pot. These cold-blooded critters only pump hot blood during the summer months, allowing them to jump at even the slightest hint of danger.[…]


Fall Frogging

Before Doc’s brother Clay returned to his exile in Atlanta, the wives decided we’d treat him to dinner — but at a fancy restaurant rather than at the usual raucous dinner party featuring the usual bull-red courtboullion, spawning sow-speck roe fritters and button-buck fajitas.[…]


Nighttime Raids

Trivia has it that Georges Auguste Escoffier (1846-1935), the father of French cuisine, listed frog legs on the menu of the famous Hotel Carlton in London as, “Cuisses de Nymphe Aurore.”

Considered a disgusting food by the British, who could resist an item on the menu with a name such as “Legs of the Dawn Nymphs?”[…]