High Life Swimmers tough for speckled trout to resist

Every year, as we enter the summer doldrums, trout start to shy away from live shrimp. Old salts say it’s because their mouths get sore from being pierced by so many shrimp horns.

Although that’s probably not the case, the entrenched theory does indicate that it’s long been recognized that live shrimp lose their effectiveness late in the summer.

That means anglers who like to throw artificials — and Capts. Travis Miller and Marty LaCoste are definitely among them — will have more success chunking swim baits.

There’s a wide variety of productive versions on the market, and Tsunamis are probably the most widely used in the area, but High Life Swimmers are gaining a lot of ground locally because — quite simply — they work. They also hold together well, which saves money and reduces the hassle of having to tie on another bait.

The lures come in four colors — blue tiger, gold tiger, purple tiger and red head — and are available at most South Louisiana tackle shops.

They also can be ordered online at catchdat.com.

About Todd Masson 731 Articles
Todd Masson has covered outdoors in Louisiana for a quarter century, and is host of the Marsh Man Masson channel on YouTube.