
Transformer trout

The sun was just throwing amber light over the horizon when my bone-colored Badonk-a-donk disappeared in a toilet flush.

And my grumbling over the 3 a.m. alarm disappeared like fog in a stiff wind.[…]

Field Notes

Top 3 surf-fishing mistakes

Plenty of speck anglers are very content to stay dry and comfortable in their boats to catch yellowmouths — but for those who really want to dive in and have more of a ‘hand-to-hand combat experience,’ nothing beats getting down and dirty with trout in the surf.[…]


Tip of the day

Jeff and Nick Poe recommend using electric trolling motors as sparingly as possible. In fact, neither of them use one much because they believe it spooks the fish. […]


Why the Poes know

When I first envisioned a comprehensive article to make sense out of all the lure options available to speckled trout fishermen, it became obvious I needed the help of someone who really knew his stuff.[…]