Codie Cook’s turtle
Brady Cook tagged along with his dad, Codie Cook, to run some turtle lines during his Easter break from school. The first snapping turtle they caught was a 140-pound monster that was released in a[…]
Brady Cook tagged along with his dad, Codie Cook, to run some turtle lines during his Easter break from school. The first snapping turtle they caught was a 140-pound monster that was released in a[…]
Grey Weir, 8, caught his first limit of keepers on Toledo Bend on March 15 and also caught a personal best 5-pound bass.
Jase LeBlanc with his best friend, Davis Settoon, and his brother, Jaxton LeBlanc, showing off their flathead aka yellow catfish they caught in Lake Pontchartrain.
Jase LeBlanc with a jack crevalle he landed after an hour long battle while fishing in Lake Pontchartrain.
Kennedy Peltier caught 13.2 pounds on her five bass stringer at the St. James High School practice tournament Feb. 10, 2024. She had big bass of 3.8 and 3.4 pounds. Also pictured is Captain Ryan[…]
Chris Granier killed this beautiful 8-point buck hunting the swamp in St. James Parish on Jan. 7, 2024. Also pictured is Cash, the blood tracking dog.
Shane Laws picking up slabs in Bayou Corne.
*** When setting up for a deer harvest photo to include a firearm, be sure that it is unloaded, keep the action open and its muzzle always pointed in a safe direction. Skye killed her[…]
Jake Morello, 12, who goes to Parkview Baptist in Baton Rouge, shot his first deer on a hunt with his dad in Pachuta, Miss., in December.