Robert Lane
Deer of the Year

Former LSU QB downs 167-inch monster

It is a well-known fact that on the football field, LSU and Ole Miss are mortal enemies: Very little love is lost between the two state-line rivals. Although it may be difficult to imagine, on Oct. 4 a former Ole Miss quarterback passed up the chance to down a huge 14-point buck, and handed the honor over to a former LSU QB. That Ole Miss guy is Bob Lane – and the LSU fellow is his 59-year-old dad, Robert Lane.[…]

Inshore Fishing

CCA: Big Lake oyster reefs on the comeback

According to a press release from the Coastal Conservation Association of Louisiana, biologists with the state’s Department of Wildlife and Fisheries saw a 50 percent increase in total abundance of oysters on Calcasieu Lake in 2018 compared to 2017 — when scrapers were prohibited on Calcasieu and Sabine lakes, and hand-tonging was made the only legal means of harvest.[…]