Deepwater Horizon oil begins making landfall at mouth of Mississippi River
Oil from the destroyed Deepwater Horizon began making landfall last night (April 29), the Associated Press reported.[…]
Oil from the destroyed Deepwater Horizon began making landfall last night (April 29), the Associated Press reported.[…]
Recreational fishing in much of Southeast Louisiana was closed today at 6 p.m. as oil from the Deepwater Horizon disaster edged into to the coast.[…]
Louisiana speckled trout fishermen are a dedicated bunch, for the most part fishing year round. But May seems to be a special month, heralding the onset of summer and its hot speck fishing.[…]
“A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.” — Ancient proverb
If a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, what is a Bush at hand worth under the birds?[…]
The amount of oil leaking from the destroyed Deepwater Horizon could be five time more than originally believed, and the oil sheen was found just 16 miles out of South Pass yesterday afternoon, officials are reporting.[…]
Louisiana coastal residents should brace for a “major impact” when oil from the Transocean spill first reaches the Bayou State coast sometime on Friday.[…]
The month of May was made for speckled trout and bream fishermen.[…]
The month of May was made for speckled trout and bream fishermen.[…]
The sign from a long-departed marina reads, “Welcome to the End of the World,” but for redfish anglers, Delacroix looks more like the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.[…]
A 1983 tragedy generally gets the credit for GPS going public. Shortly after Korean Airlines flight 007 experienced navigational errors, strayed into restricted Russian airspace and was shot down by Russian fighters, President Reagan declassified GPS, allowing it to be used by civilians for more accurate navigation.[…]
A Lake Charles outdoorsman, professional redfish fisherman and television fishing show host saw first-hand recently the painstaking effort one of the world’s leading artificial lure designers puts into making an artificial lure like the Flatt Shad.[…]
Here’s a truth we’ve learned through hundreds of gun-training classes and thousands of students — call it the Hutchinson Dictum: Most guys buy the gun they want for their wife or girlfriend.[…]
You don’t see many houseboats with hot tubs.
“Leave it to Doc Fontaine to break new ground,” Pelayo said as he, Chris and I clamped up the stairs to the houseboat deck. And it’s not like his two-story Venice houseboat wasn’t ritzy enough without it.[…]
Several recent late-night tying sessions have exposed me to the countless television infomercials that appear after midnight.[…]
I recently received an e-mail from a reader asking if I could help identify which wire is the ignition wire for his 1999 outboard motor. He stated that he was considering hooking up an onboard DC alternator charger.[…]
Dear Capt. Paul:
Where is Breton Island?[…]