
Ain’t nothin like the almost-real thing

Crappie. White Perch. Sac-a-lait. Call them whatever you want, but in the Cormier household, we call them “dinner.” Nothing brings everyone to the table faster than a fresh-fried batch of these tasty critters.

For that reason, anytime I’m on the water and fishing sac-a-lait, I practice a different form of catch-and-release. I catch the sac-a-lait, then release them into my ice box.[…]


Summer Trout in Winter

At the entrance of the open water, all thoughts and hope of a pleasant ride across the open water disappeared like last summer’s submerged oyster-grass islands. A strong will quickly gave in to an unmistakable force.[…]


Crossed Up

Will Louisiana have a crossbow season next year or at any time in the future? Will Louisiana permit hunting with a crossbow during archery season as some other southern states have?

Crossbow hunting seems to have caught fire as it spreads into more and more states each year. Many states like Louisiana already allow the use of the crossbow, either for the physically challenged and/or older hunters.