
Snapper Snafu no More!

From now until Labor Day, snapper season is a go! More specifically, you can only legally possess fish on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, but hey, that’s better than the three-day excuse for a season earlier this year.[…]

News Breaker

LDWF pulls controversial red snapper pilot program

Exactly two weeks after touting a pilot study praised by the governor that would have awarded 150 randomly selected anglers the opportunity to catch 25,000 pounds of Gulf red snapper — and just days after that same plan was torched by the Louisiana legislature in a resolution calling for the study to be scrapped — the secretary of the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries announced it was deferring the controversial program until August.[…]

News Breaker

LDWF: Red snapper pilot program not precursor for recreational IFQ system

A two-year pilot program announced last week by the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries that would award 150 randomly-selected offshore anglers unlimited access to 25,000 pounds annually of Gulf red snapper — which has been roundly criticized by fishing-rights advocates — is not an attempt to ultimately impose individual fishing quotas on the statewide recreational angling community.[…]