Apex Predator

Find the ducks to get the bucks

My dad grew up hunting the flooded swamps around Lac Des Allemands. He enjoyed deer hunting, but chasing those swamp bucks was too frustrating after the rut, so he stuck with his favorite type of hunting in January, which was blasting birds. […]


More ducks is good news? Maybe, but …

No one who really knows me would accuse me of being a die-hard duck hunter. While I’ve spent a lot of time over the years pointing a shotgun at waterfowl (“pointing” being the operative term), what has traditionally gotten my hunting juices flowing has been the thought of climbing into a tree and having a deer — any deer — walk into range.[…]


Cooking the kill

Hunting ducks is fun. Cooking them is a lot tougher. Waterfowl are easily the most difficult of all wild game to cook. Rolling marinated boneless breasts in bacon and grilling them has claimed the loyalty of a lot of duck hunters, but unless a duck cook has a good recipe for whole birds his culinary arsenal is incomplete.[…]


Shut up to call ducks

Ducks don’t talk to each other nearly as much as hunters think, especially during the late season. Just as a roomful of people will migrate away from a loud, obnoxious guy who tries to dominate the conversation, ducks will exhibit the same behavior.

The more you call, the less likely that you’ll attract ducks, especially during January.

Rod Haydel of Haydel Game Calls started going to the duck blind with his dad at the age of 5. Over the last 41 years, he’s hunted webfoots all over the nation, primarily in the marshes around Lake Charles in southern Louisiana.[…]