This man loves to feed people
Barry Flach Jr. has been around the seafood business his whole life. Here are his recipes for Seafood Marlena and Oyster Spaghetti.[…]
Barry Flach Jr. has been around the seafood business his whole life. Here are his recipes for Seafood Marlena and Oyster Spaghetti.[…]
The small herd of does burst out of the woods and cut across the soybean field, the howling of the hounds behind them in the swamp.[…]
Search and recovery divers were pretty much on their own back in the early 1980’s; I know because I was one of them. I spent 10 years on the Dallas Fire Department’s dive team and worked from the department’s drag boats before the dive team came to be.[…]
With the whitetail rut fast approaching, I thought it would be perfect timing to revisit and discuss a subject that has been debated for decades in deer camps far and wide.[…]
Like many hunters throughout Louisiana and the other Southeast states, I grew up hunting deer with dogs. Members of the family kept deer hounds, and we anxiously awaited the “with or without dogs” segment of deer season.[…]
The predominant fish sought by coastal kayak anglers are no doubt trout and redfish. However, the most hard-hitting and pound-for-pound all-out fighting machine is the jack crevalle.[…]
Squirrel season is open in Louisiana. Here are the 7 steps to easily, quickly and cleaning snatching the hide off of a squirrel. […]
A Texas bass angler’s bid to get back to the Bassmaster Classic depended heavily on a soft-plastic creature bait that few, if any, others had in their arsenal when they fished the B.A.S.S. Nation Championship on Nov. 6-8 on the Ouachita River.[…]
The first set of photos for you to consider shooting or passing over come from Area 4 — East Feliciana Parish.[…]
Toledo Bend guide Dennis Tietje gives his tips for choosing winter fishing spots for crappie.[…]
The next four photographs are from a tract of land along the Mississippi River in East Baton Rouge Parish. The habitat is bottomland hardwoods, but the oak component is lacking.[…]
When cooler temperatures have those crappie biting lightly, strike detection becomes paramount. Here’s a technique you can use to avoid missing a light bite.[…]
The last set of photographs is from Area 2 in Desoto Parish. The habitat is mixed pine/hardwood, with no agriculture but some winter pastures for cattle and lots of oil and gas pipelines that create a lot of edge.[…]
From his experiences on the road and at home, Chad Wall has come to realize that most hunters have lost the ability to read deer sign put down by nature. […]
“I’m all about live bait,” veteran redfish and speckled trout charter guide Herk Bergeron said. “The catch ratio is much better with live bait, especially for bigger fish.[…]
Buggie Vegas’ Cajun accent and beaming smile have become fixtures for sport fishermen launching or chartering out of Bridge Side Marina on Grand Isle.[…]