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A blustery cold front roared through, bringing some welcome crisp air to the delta as three anxious anglers pulled up to Venice Marina.[…]
A blustery cold front roared through, bringing some welcome crisp air to the delta as three anxious anglers pulled up to Venice Marina.[…]
ON THE COVER: Winter only increases the options for Bayou State outdoorsman.[…]
Late December can be frustrating — even frightening — for a Louisiana deer hunter. I know because I’ve been there.[…]
Alligators have absolutely nothing to do with goose hunting. Nonetheless, it was during the commercial alligator season when my co-duck-oholic friend, Shane Wiggins, and I talked about hunting geese during the upcoming season.[…]
The massive 6×6 bull elk strolled regally from the oak grove, walked down the bank and plunged into the water, laying down and caking itself in the cooling mud.
A stiff north wind blew for five or six days before it shifted to the northeast and settled down to 10 to 15 knots.[…]
Computer power and memory storage are gaining speed and capacity while losing bulk, and I’m happy to report that these evolutionary steps are impacting the world of marine electronics.[…]
Some people dream of hunting every day of the season, but not Kisatchie’s Charles Boles.[…]
Dear Santa: I can’t claim to be a good boy this year, since on more than one occasion I tipped my fly with bait shrimp. So instead of asking for a new boat and giant plasma TV, I’ll be happy to settle for a new fly rod or reel.[…]
To take an older, mature buck, you need to set up where he least expects you at a time when he least expects to see you. Leave no trail as you go into the woods or exit the woods.[…]
True character is revealed when the fire is turned up. That’s never been more evident than in Louisiana in the weeks, and now months, since Katrina and Rita hit and changed our state forever.[…]
Eddie Halbrook could hardly contain his excitement. He had discovered how much I like catching chinquapins only months earlier, and he wanted to let me know he was on them again.[…]
Dear Capt. Paul:
Please give me directions from Cypremort Point to Nickel Reef.[…]
It is a half hour before sunup on a crisp November day in the deep woods. Migratory waterfowl hunting season is open, and it’s legal shooting time.[…]