Species Spotlight: American black bear
The American black bear is the least aggressive and most widely-distributed bear in North America.[…]
The American black bear is the least aggressive and most widely-distributed bear in North America.[…]
The purpose of this column is to help bring attention to the black bear problem. There are solutions and we have to find them.[…]
Bears are the center of a growing controversy over crowding other wildlife out of their habitat, property destruction and human interaction.[…]
When two anglers fishing in North Carolina’s Bogue Inlet area saw a floating object in rough waves, they took a closer look and realized it was a swimming black bear.[…]
Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries personnel captured an euthanized an adult male Louisiana black bear in Port Allen on April 27.[…]
Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Enforcement agents are seeking leads for an illegally killed black bear in St. Mary Parish.[…]
Ben Fabre of Slaughter, Louisiana, killed a record-book bear in Wyoming. He shares his reader report with Louisiana Sportsman.[…]
Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Enforcement agents are seeking leads for an illegally killed black bear in St. Mary Parish.[…]
A 30-year-old Lettsworth man who admitted shooting a Louisiana black bear because he said he thought it was a hog was ordered to pay $10,250 in civil restitution and attorney fees, according to a press release from the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries.[…]
Enforcement agents with the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries cited two men for their roles in allegedly shooting a black bear near Glencoe last November.[…]
A New Iberia father and his juvenile son were cited last week after a lengthy investigation by the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries for allegedly shooting an Iberia Parish black bear in the fall of 2015.[…]
Two Louisiana men were sentenced in the Avoyelles 12th Judicial District Court last month in connection with incidents on the Grand Lake Rod and Gun Club back in October of 2013, according to a press release.[…]
Hey, hunters: The next time you see a Louisiana black bear — if you ever do at all — tip your hat. […]
On the morning of Nov. 11, Thomas Capps of Richmond, Va., killed a 782-pound black bear from a blind overlooking a field of soybeans and corn on private land in Hyde County. […]
A radio-collared black bear that was part of the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries’ Black Bear Restoration Program was found badly decomposed in the Atchafalaya River in Concordia Parish last month.[…]
Agents with the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries are looking for leads on who illegally killed a black bear found in Concordia Parish on Dec. 20.[…]