Inshore Fishing

Davis Pond Speck Effect

While telling me about how the Davis Pond Diversion has affected speckled trout fishing around Lafitte, Capt. Theophile Bourgeois mentioned something that I don’t think he realized provided a perfect contrast of the life before and after the levee break started flowing.[…]

Inshore Fishing

Vanishing Eden

The smoke/glitter sparkle beetle arched through the air toward a handful of scraggly, brush sticks poking out of the water — the few remains of the live black mangroves that once covered a substantial island.[…]

Bass Fishing

Boat-launch bass

Modern bass boats are high-powered machines specifically designed to provide fishermen with all the advantages necessary to conquer the world of the largemouth bass. High-powered motors allow bass fishermen to quickly cover many miles in search of prime bass habitat.[…]


Managing the data — Part 2

Over the past several years, I have, through trial and error, developed a system that allows me to efficiently deal with multiple trail cameras and memory cards as I use them to monitor deer movement on my farm in west central Mississippi.[…]


Boating Louisiana waters

April in the South heralds spring and the beginning of boating season. It is that time of year when Louisiana’s 320,000 registered boats are on our waterways, serving as platforms for all sorts of recreational and commercial activity.[…]


Seat-of-your-pants orientation rules

Once upon a time, one of the most tedious things we boaters and fishermen attempted was to figure out exactly where we were on a lake map or chart. Few freshwater fishermen bothered to mount a compass on their boat and just used shoreline sightings and depth soundings to figure out where they were.[…]

Bass Fishing

Boat block

Wind is the sight-fisherman’s enemy, but Craig Graham said there is a way to minimize the waves that break visual contact with bedding bass.[…]