Vanishing Eden

This area is eroding faster than Obama’s approval numbers, but it still produces a crazy amount of fish.

The smoke/glitter sparkle beetle arched through the air toward a handful of scraggly, brush sticks poking out of the water — the few remains of the live black mangroves that once covered a substantial island. Two feet into the retrieve, the lure stopped and the water erupted into a wild explosion of spray as the fish shook its head violently in an unsuccessful attempt to rid its yellow mouth of the stinging hook.

The big man on the bow expertly flipped the 2-pound fish into the boat. The huge smile that seemed to perpetually wreath John “Hawkeye” Aucoin’s broad face became even wider as he briefly admired the quicksilver flanks of the speckled trout before slipping it into the ice chest to join nearly 20 of its brethren. Click here to read more on Vanishing Eden

About Jerald Horst 959 Articles
Jerald Horst is a retired Louisiana State University professor of fisheries. He is an active writer, book author and outdoorsman.