Back at the show is the Fetch-n-Fish Tub, with nationally known Jason Reynolds combining fishing seminars with dog shows.
Throughout the show, Reynolds will be featuring his high-flying dogs that will be jumping into his 41-foot-long bass tub.
The show invites audience participation, particularly from children who help mark the longest jumps — and might get wet in the process.
“Basically, what we do is a family fun program,” Reynolds said. “We talk a little about obedience, then a little about dog training, and I mix it with some and some fun games and some dog tricks. And the ultimate of the show is when I have the dogs jump in the fish tank.
“This is not just dog training — this is entertainment. This is something the whole family can relate to. The kids love it.”
But this show isn’t all about dog jumping: the 4,000-gallon tank also is stocked with bass and used to demonstrate fishing tactics.
“It’s a home run,” Reynolds said of the combined dog and fishing shows.
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