
All Shook Up

Whether you like fishing tournaments or not, you can’t argue that they are the proving grounds for all the latest and greatest tackle in your box.[…]


Only in Louisiana

While talking to one of my avid fishing friends about a very successful fishing trip I made, I began to tease him when he asked where we caught the fish.I told him that we caught a big mess of fish in White Linen Bay.[…]


Perch Pa-TROLL

Have you ever stubbornly refused to change lures or techniques while suffering through a drubbing by one of your fishing buddies? Richard Lindsey has.[…]


Post-Spawn Pros

The spring is one of the best times of the year to catch bass, with fish up shallow and aggressively protecting their spawning beds. Anglers simply love picking big sows off the nests.[…]


Hard Bait Heroes

Fishing for saltwater fish isn’t a highly technical endeavor. Throw a few plastic cocahoes, a handful of jigheads and a couple popping corks in your box, and you’ll be ready to catch just about anything that swims.[…]