
Snapper Symmetry

Capt. Aaron Pierce was waiting at the dock when we arrived. Daylight was peeking over the horizon, and our steed for the day, a 26-foot Glacier Bay Catamaran, reflected the early morning light.[…]


O’Steen Offshore

It’s difficult to imagine an offshore fisherman who goes on an overnight fishing trip every doable weekend for four or five months being called “soft” or “a wuss,” but that’s what Dr. Russell O’Steen gets for finally admitting he’s reached the point where he no longer “goes regardless.”[…]


Our Other ’Hoos

Anybody who has wet a line past the breakers of our state’s barrier islands knows that the stakes go way up regarding the health of most all fish on the food chain. Safety in numbers is the motto for many kinds of baitfish, but speed is what most anglers find much different among the dozens of species seen on most excursions where water clarity is measured in feet rather than inches.[…]


Freelined Fins

Louisiana anglers have a reputation — deserved or not — of being on the tail end of technology and finesse techniques in the pursuit of the state’s varied fish population.[…]