
Louisiana’s First Hunters

The old logging road was a promising place to look for sign. It ran through a year-old clearcut before dropping off a slight ridge into Winn Parish’s Dugdemona swamp.

Before timber harvesting, the ridge had been covered with a variety of oak and hickory trees, providing a rich food source. It also was the nearest high ground that would serve as a refuge when Dugdemona River inevitably experienced its annual flood. A hard rain a few days earlier made scouting conditions perfect.[…]

Bass Fishing

Shroud of Mystery

Caddo Lake, a 26,800-acre unspoiled treasure shared equally by Texas and Louisiana, has been called “the most beautiful lake in America” as well as “the best big-bass secret in the South.”[…]


Dog Days

Glenn Leingang has nowhere to go but down. That’s what happens when you achieve the pinnacle of a sport so early in your career.[…]

Bass Fishing

Bass Lake Report Card

Considering that successful bass fishermen do their homework before going on the water, how about subjecting the many bass fisheries in Louisiana to academic standards of their own for 2003?[…]


A Taste of Spring

“You cast that bait right over that reef, and I guarantee a fish,” said Buras fishing guide John L. Taylor, pointing his 7-foot Shimano V-series rod toward a small spit of land near a sun and rain-scrubbed white PVC pipe leaning at a 60-degree angle.[…]


Freelined Fins

Louisiana anglers have a reputation — deserved or not — of being on the tail end of technology and finesse techniques in the pursuit of the state’s varied fish population.[…]