
Come on: Don’t take my gasoline away!

There are some things I avoid like the plague. The dentist, for example. Yeah, I know I should go more often, but I hate the entire experience. Nothing personal. I just hate it (and it usually costs me loads of money). So I avoid anything dealing with dentists until I have a tooth that is killing me.[…]


A box of chocolates

The deeply tanned, athletically-built 65-year-old man was standing in the shade beneath Bridgeside Marina on Grand Isle. He was responding to a question about offshore charter guiding. […]


Trulock Choke Tubes

Trulock Choke Tubes is now offering pink tubes in support of breast cancer research. These special tubes are available in any Sporting Clay style choke tube model that Trulock offers and are resistant to cracking, abrasion wear, corrosion and common gun cleaning chemicals.[…]