
Made in the shade

“I like fish that pull hard, ones that fight. I’m fishin’ for fun,” twanged Jeb Ard in a patented country accent. “If I want to eat fish, we go to a catfish buffet.”[…]


Pop a ‘top’

It’s prime time to target Ouachita River crappie in the tops. Here’s how one noted angler catches his share of summertime slabs hunkered down in the brush.[…]


High noon at Crackerhead

“There’s a good one,” he said, glancing over his right shoulder. “And there’s a good one,” he said, throwing an eye over his left shoulder. “That’s a good one, too,” he nodded at another one.[…]


Transformer trout

The sun was just throwing amber light over the horizon when my bone-colored Badonk-a-donk disappeared in a toilet flush.

And my grumbling over the 3 a.m. alarm disappeared like fog in a stiff wind.[…]

Bass Fishing

The Record Keeper

The hits were explosive — water and pieces of vegetation flew wildly. 

Or maybe it was Lyle Johnson’s violent reaction to the hits. He doesn’t like ‘em to get away, and he fusses at himself for every missed fis[…]