
Freelined Fins

Louisiana anglers have a reputation — deserved or not — of being on the tail end of technology and finesse techniques in the pursuit of the state’s varied fish population.[…]


Coastal Killers

“There’s somebody back there!” Eddie hissed, spraying me with whiskey spittle as he pointed a gloved finger behind the duck blind. “I’ve been hearing them all morning.” His eyes were wild. His lips quivered. “SEE!….. Hear THAT?!”[…]

Bass Fishing

Trappin’ Trees

Louisiana and the number ranking in a national list, the Saints and the playoffs, boiled crawfish and milk — it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that these things just don’t go together.

Yeah, you may come across a dubious list that has Louisiana ranked at the top of some bad-news category. The Saints may even make the playoffs a couple of times every 30 years or so, and you may see a child having to drink milk while eating boiled crawfish. But other than that, never the two shall meet.


Frozen Fish on the Flats

For once, the cursed weathermen were right. My fishing buddy, Perry Frey, and I opted to spend last Mardi Gras with our families at his camp in Delacroix rather than waving our hands in the air for trinkets along Veterans Boulevard. […]