
Grunting is over, gobbling has begun

For the most part, the 2010-11 deer season is over, although I still have scrape cameras out in Pointe Coupee Parish (Upper Area 6), and no doubt will have photographs of antlered bucks on them during the middle of March and possibly into mid-April.[…]

Bass Fishing

Drag Kings

Stephen Johnston isn’t one to stir up trouble, but the Louisiana-Texas bass guide won’t hesitate to stir up the bottom. In fact, he says a little silt shaking does wonders for attracting Bayou State bass in muddy southern waters.[…]


Season of Plenty

It was still dark as guide Kevin Beach’s big 33-foot catamaran zipped down Tiger Pass near Venice. Anthony Puglia had pulled his head down into his jacket like a turtle retracting its head into its shell.[…]

Bass Fishing

Grass Equals Bass

Look for Stephen Johnston most days from March to November, and you’ll probably find him mowing the grass. Mind you, he’s not running a lawn-care crew; rather, he’s fishing the vast vegetation that dominates the southern end of Toledo Bend.[…]