Finger on the Pulse
Kelli Batten lives in West Monroe, and she wants to learn how to catch bass well enough to be able to fish tournaments in the future.[…]
Kelli Batten lives in West Monroe, and she wants to learn how to catch bass well enough to be able to fish tournaments in the future.[…]
The state’s experts look into a giant crystal ball and give their forecast for the coming trout year.[…]
Louisiana bass come to jerkbaits like kids to pizza.[…]
Click, clack, click, clack, click-whoosh! Before the next clack, the red/white Top Dog was mauled by a 4-pound speckled trout.[…]
t’s often hard for anglers to believe the fishing reports they hear coming from Lake Pontchartrain. The problem is that their eyes rarely see what their ears hear.[…]
Eddie went through this a couple years earlier when he moved back to his home state of Louisiana after two divorces and at least one disbarment that we heard of.[…]
April is the tail end of the dreaded transition period, according to Capt. Chad Dufrene (985-637-6357). By now, the weather has definitely changed, and temperatures are established in a solid spring pattern.[…]
Had it not been for missing roe estimated to be 1 1/2 to 1 3/4 pounds, Wisconsin resident Ed Stellner would have landed a new state-record largemouth bass back in February of 2000.[…]
She pricked my finger, smeared some blood on a slide and took it into the lab for analysis. After reading the findings, the technician glanced nervously at me while whispering behind her hand to a colleague.[…]
Admittedly, I haven’t set out a trotline for catfish in a really long time. The last time I remember stringing out a line, I was still in high school. Those of you who know me realize that this had to have happened a l-o-n-g time ago.[…]
Trivia time. What looks like a shrimp, is as mean as a preying mantis and is eaten by red snappers like popcorn?[…]
Beauty and versatility are in the eyes of the beholder, and most everyone I know in the shooting business is aware I have long been searching for the perfect hunting rifle.[…]
Not all mechanical problems are the result of a failed engine. In a recent e-mail, a boat owner described a problem he was having with the brand-new engine he had just re-powered his boat with.[…]
One minute we were enjoying a Memorial Day picnic on the beach, and the next we were up to our knees in mire, racing the tide to get enough of our boat to float to get us off the barrier island. The[…]
Today’s fish finders have automatic modes that can tune in a better sonar picture than probably 90 percent of fishermen could come up with adjusting it manually.[…]
I’m really excited because BASS announced that the next three Bassmaster Classics will be held on lakes close to my home that I know and love to fish.[…]