Possible management changes to be presented with commission action to be taken in the future
A presentation on a spotted seatrout (speckled trout) stock assessment is one of 18 agenda items to be discussed at the Thursday, Sept. 5, meeting of the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries commission in Baton Rouge.
A preliminary stock assessment draft indicated speckled trout stocks were overfished and that recreational landings were at their lowest level when compared to earlier years.
On the Sept. 5 meeting, the speckled trout stock assessment to be presented will be a finalized version of the previous draft but without errors discovered in the earlier version.
“We will not request the commission take any action at the Sept. 5 meeting,” said Patrick Banks, LDWF assistant secretary. “We are only presenting the latest spotted seatrout assessment to give them the idea of the status of the stock. Any proposal for the management changes will occur at a future commission meeting.
“We plan to give to the commissioners an example of possible management changes, but the full analysis of each possible management change scenario will take considerable time. Our hope is that the commission will provide us feedback on the types of management change scenarios they want us to analyze. Such feedback will greatly help us bring meaningful options back to them at a future meeting.”
Banks also said such proposed changes will undergo an extensive public review process as outlined in the Louisiana Administrative Procedures Act including several public meetings to be held throughout the state.
Other important agenda items include a presentation on migratory waterfowl status for the 2019 -2020 fall season; and a consideration of a Declaration of Emergency to amend the 2019-2020 deer season in deer area 5.
The agenda is as follows:
- Call to Order
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Roll Call
- Adoption of Aug. 1, 2019, Commission Meeting Minutes
- Approval of Sept. 5, 2019, Agenda
- Commission Special Announcements / Personal Privilege
- Recognize Sergeant Charlie Ferrington as the 2019 Mississippi Flyway Council Waterfowl Protection Officer of the Year – Col. Sammy Martin, Enforcement Division
- Enforcement Report, August 2019 – Major Edward Skena, Enforcement Division
- Receive and Consider Declaration of Emergency to Amend 2019-2020 Deer Season in Deer Area 5 – Johnathan Bordelon, Deer program manager
- Receive Presentation on the Migratory Waterfowl Status for the 2019-2020 Fall Season – Larry Reynolds, wildlife biologist
- Receive an Update on the 2019 Recreational Red Snapper Season Landings – Jason Adriance, Marine Fisheries biologist
- Receive Presentation on the Spotted Seatrout Stock Assessment – Jason Adriance, Marine Fisheries biologist
- Receive and Consider Notice of Intent to Modify the Recreational Length Limits for Mako Sharks – Jason Adriance, Marine Fisheries biologist
- Receive Summary Presentation on the August 2019 Gulf of Mexico Fisheries Management Council Meeting – Chris Schieble, Marine Fisheries biologist
- Receive an Updated Report on the Impacts of Floodwaters on the Fishery Resources and Fisheries of Louisiana – Christian Winslow, Marine Fisheries biologist
- Set January 2020 Commission Meeting Date
- Receive Public Comments
- Adjournment
A live audio/video stream of this meeting will also be available via Gotowebinar.com. To attend a live broadcast of the January 2019 Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission meeting, please register at https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/4908345651893119500.