Late-season squirrel hunts
When startled, squirrels naturally run to the nearest tree. In trees devoid of leaves, squirrels find fewer places to hide.[…]
When startled, squirrels naturally run to the nearest tree. In trees devoid of leaves, squirrels find fewer places to hide.[…]
If you’ve never been, rabbit hunting behind an experienced pack of dogs provides constant action, lots of fun and some great table fare.[…]
It was a great day for squirrel hunting, and not just for me, but for another predator as well.[…]
A long-ago rabbit hunt on Christmas Day is one of the author’s favorite outdoor memories from his childhood.[…]
The Louisiana squirrel and rabbit hunting seasons begin Saturday, Oct. 5, in all parts of Louisiana and run through Feb. 28, 2025.[…]
Biologists give their reports for the Wildlife Management Area Small Game Hunting Guide. Giving Louisiana hunters the outlook for the season.[…]
The 2024 dove hunting season begins Saturday, Sept. 7, statewide, the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries announced.[…]
The LDWF Education Section will hold a free beginners squirrel hunting seminar in Minden on Sept. 21 from 9 a.m.-noon.[…]
The LDWF will have lease fields in DeRidder and Colfax for the opening day of dove hunting season along with several LDWF WMA dove fields.[…]
Hunters can try these helpful tricks to fool more doves and bring these swift fliers closer for better shots at them.[…]
For many landowners, dove season begins months before the shooting starts as they prepare their lands to attract and hold birds.[…]
The LDWF is accepting applications for Elbow Slough WMA dove lottery hunt and White Lake WCA teal lottery hunt for the 2024 hunting season.[…]
The Louisiana spring squirrel hunting season begins May 4 in most parts of Louisiana and lasts until May 26, the LDWF said.[…]
If you want to have some fun, with lots of action, scout out a location with plenty of rabbit sign and try your luck on a walk-and-stalk hunt.[…]
A late season squirrel hunt with dogs is a great way to teach the children to have fun in the outdoors and learn to hunt.[…]
Hunters can successfully hunt rabbits without dogs. It just requires planning, effort and considerable luck.[…]