Youth Squirrel Season set for Sept. 23-24 on certain LDWF WMAs

The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) reminds youth hunters of the upcoming youth squirrel season on several LDWF wildlife management areas (WMAs). This season is set for Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 23-24, and offers an additional hunting opportunity specifically for youth hunters, ages 17 and younger.

This season is open on Bodcau, Boeuf, Clear Creek, Grassy Lake, Little River, Maurepas Swamp, Pearl River, Pomme de Terre, Russell Sage, Sandy Hollow, Sherburne, Spring Bayou and West Bay WMAs.

For information on these available opportunities, refer to the LDWF Hunting Regulations at

For more information on these or any other WMAs, go to , or contact any LDWF Field Office.