123 Big Buck Lane
Keith Barre watched a couple of 8-points on his Washington Parish lease grow, consistently collecting pictures of them from trail cameras.[…]
Keith Barre watched a couple of 8-points on his Washington Parish lease grow, consistently collecting pictures of them from trail cameras.[…]
LSU’s telemetry study is discovering some amazing facts about Louisiana’s bucks.[…]
If you are a firearms enthusiast, by now you have heard of the Jun 26 decision by the Supreme Court of the United States in the Heller case.[…]
The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) is accepting applications for lottery teal hunts on the White Lake Wetlands Conservation Area.[…]
The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries proposed the season dates for the 2009 turkey hunting season to the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission at the commission’s July 8 meeting.[…]
The Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission set the tentative dates for the 2008-09 early migratory bird hunting seasons at their July 8 meeting.[…]
MEMPHIS, Tenn.− July 7- The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service released its preliminary report today on mid-continent breeding ducks and habitats, based on surveys conducted in May and early June.[…]
As the fall hunting season draws closer, the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) Hunter Education Section will offer more courses in hunter education and bow hunter education with classes being added every week.[…]
Bismarck, N.D – American waterfowl hunters are one step closer to facing a reduced scaup bag limit for the upcoming hunting season.[…]
The Louisiana legislature passed and Gov. Bobby Jindal has signed two hunting-related acts into law during the 2008 session that authorize the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission to change several guidelines in the upcoming seasonal hunting regulations.[…]
The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) is now accepting applications for the 2008 Bayou Pierre Wildlife Management Area (WMA) lottery dove hunts scheduled for the first Saturday of the September 2008 dove season.[…]
After World War II, in the late 1940s and the decade following, the golden age of shooting known as the “Wildcatting Era” began. Young men returned from the war with a shooting jones, and discovered a shortage of bullets.[…]
You’ve probably read it a thousand times. Read it once more here, and realize your rights to own firearms can hinge on the upcoming Supreme Court interpretation of this particular amendment:[…]
If the fall hunting season seems too far away, then hunters should utilize the spring squirrel season this May to attain their hunting fix and carry them through the summer.[…]
“It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” — Mark 10:25[…]
She pricked my finger, smeared some blood on a slide and took it into the lab for analysis. After reading the findings, the technician glanced nervously at me while whispering behind her hand to a colleague.[…]