Poor conditions can’t slow CLECO bite
Wouldn’t it be something if there were a lake that offered near perfect bass fishing conditions during the winter? It would attract anglers like San Diego attracts residents.[…]
Wouldn’t it be something if there were a lake that offered near perfect bass fishing conditions during the winter? It would attract anglers like San Diego attracts residents.[…]
The new deer tag harvest cards for the 2006-07 deer hunting season can now be downloaded and printed from the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Web site.[…]
Hunt smart, and you’ll let other hunters push public-land deer to you.[…]
News of a disturbance in the Gulf can leave most folks around here tropically depressed, especially after last year’s Hurricane Season From Hell.[…]
The dawn broke early.
A week prior at this time, I was just crawling out of bed to go through the same routine that I had just endured for the last hour.But that trip was prior to the annual “falling back” event for the clocks, and this one was after.[…]
Seven years ago, several generations of soldiers met in a room of the New Llano Police Department, and talk turned to hunting and shooting.[…]
Dear Capt. Paul:
Would you happen to have the GPS coordinates for a rig that once stood in Main Pass 68? I’ve been looking around for it, and can’t seem to locate the coordinates.[…]
Duck season opens this month, and I was wondering how many of you have thought of doing any maintenance on your duck hunting boats and motors.[…]
A reduction in your boat’s cruising speed while your engine is turning its usual number of revolutions can indicate problems. Crud growing on the hull, a leak allowing water to collect in the hull and propeller damage can all cause a speed reduction and waste today’s high-priced fuel.[…]
Give one of Louisiana’s veteran saltwater fishing guides a popping cork and a Shrimp Cocktail made by Bass Assassin, and chances are good he’ll limit out while fishing around Lafitte, Lake Salvador, Bay Round, Barataria Bay and Little Lake.[…]
The birds turned at the blat of the call, pinwheeling in flight and heading straight for the spread of decoys set just outside the blind. They stayed slightly out of shotgun range and made a pass by the setup, continuing on behind the hidden hunters[…]
Make your first shot count.
That’s good advice that I absolutely never follow.[…]
The state’s public lands offer diverse duck-hunting experiences, but having success is far different than at any duck club in existence. For one, permanent blinds generally aren’t permitted, and that makes for a lot more work.[…]
Forget beards and racks. If you want your kid to really love hunting, take him on a squirrel outings, and teach him these techniques.[…]
That 10-foot surge of salt water from Katrina over our marshes wasn’t enough it seems. As lagniappe, this year we get a low river and drought — just in case some grass might have even thought about growing back.[…]
“When a big, old buck shows up, you’ve got about 8 seconds to get on him and pull the trigger.” I first heard that theory amidst the smoky, chilly air around a deer camp fire pit.[…]