Events & Announcements

Two big shows this month for sportsmen

Before all your focus has turned to turkey hunting and blasting that bearded gobbler, and before March Madness peaks and you’re consumed with basketball brackets, how about checking out the great shows offered this month to Louisiana sportsmen?[…]


Ethanol-free section opened on

Ethanol gasoline is a growing concern for boat owners as it becomes more and more difficult to find gas stations selling 100-percent gasoline. Why is this new fuel blend so problematic?

I’m glad you asked because we at have teamed up with LaPlace’s Alton “Pete” Landry to answer those questions and help locate gas stations that appear to be selling non-ethanol fuel.[…]

Ethanol Free Gasoline

Is ‘E-15’ gasoline coming soon?

In March 2009 an ethanol lobby group called “Growth Energy,” representing over 50 ethanol-producing plants petitioned the Environmental Protection Agency to increase the currently allowable gasoline blend rate of ethanol in gasoline from 10 percent to 15 percent.[…]