LSU sediment study was a waste
The headline stopped me cold: “New report finds that most sediment that replenishes marshland comes from the Mississippi River.”[…]
The headline stopped me cold: “New report finds that most sediment that replenishes marshland comes from the Mississippi River.”[…]
People I meet think I have the perfect job. After all, I get to hunt and fish for a living, right? Wrong.[…]
When I opened my Facebook account the other day, a post by a lifelong friend grabbed my attention. This friend had shared a link decrying an African safari taken by Jimmy Johns founder Jimmy John Liautaud.[…]
My first job in the outdoor communications business was as a lowly Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries “information specialist,” working under the chain-smoking, profanely cantankerous and unpredictable Maurice Cockerham.[…]
What are the roles of science and public opinion in the process of structuring hunting or fishing regulations?[…]
I hear regular complaints about supposed jerks wearing the uniform of Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries agents. You know the refrains.[…]
No one has ever accused me of being a math whiz. For good reason. I get 2 plus 2 equals 4. I’ve got 100 divided by 20 comes out to 5.[…]
I’m not what most would consider an anti-government ranter. I’m not a big-government fan, either. I just believe government has a role in our lives that probably can’t be rolled back without great pain to us all.[…]
Every now and then, amidst the partisan screaming and yelling on Capitol Hill, a piece of legislation appears that makes perfect sense.[…]
I went through a tournament-fishing phase when I was in my 20s and thought I had outgrown my bream-fishing childhood. I fished the old Greenwell Springs Marine Pro-Am as a no-boater and was a member of Sunshine Bass Club.[…]
I’ve had the privilege to travel all over the country for work. I’ve hunted throughout the Deep South, and I’ve fished from Texas to Virginia and almost every state in between.[…]
I can remember the scene like it was yesterday: A wife of one of the hunting club members showed up around lunchtime, and another member walked out of the bunk room in his tighty whities.[…]
It’s been years since I have been a member of a hunting club. I just don’t hunt enough anymore (I’m sad to say) to justify the expense, and over the years I have found other things (aka “kids”) that required money.[…]
We Louisiana coastal anglers are like spoiled children. No, really. We’re so used to catching gobs of speckled trout that when fishing gets tough we immediately determine there just must be something wrong with the fishery.[…]
I remember saying I would never think like my dad, the hard-nosed redneck who raised me under a regime of strict rules and hard work. I promised to never say the things he said, and I’d be my kids’ best friend.[…]
My nickname in some quarters is “Black Cloud” because I have a tendency to toward bad luck. My only chance to fish Lake Amistad during its heyday, for instance, was doomed when a blizzard (literally a blizzard) blew through South Texas — in late May.[…]