Bass Fishing

Redfish Bay full of trout

Capt. Cade Thomas and I began our day catching bass on worms and jigs flipped to the edges of the cane in Delta Duck. We finished up about 7 hours later by releasing a big bull red that had inhaled Thomas’ Bayou Chub.[…]


Shed Heads

Hunting shed antlers has become a popular activity in the South over the last few years.Practiced by hunters and non-hunters alike, this newfound sport produces many rewards beyond simply adding another big shed to a growing collection of deer antlers.[…]


Piece of His Mine

In the 1960s, the only jobs available in the Bayou Lafourche area related to either fishing, sugar cane or oil. But the development of the Frasch process — a mining technique that recovers up to 92 percent of a salt dome’s recoverable sulphur — made it possible for companies to exploit the vast underground sulphur deposits under Louisiana’s marshes.[…]