Texas angler scores on Toledo Bend 11.42-pounder at Six Mile
Jay Norsworthy had a couple of things to do last Friday morning after launching in Toledo Bend’s Sandy Creek area at 7:30.[…]
Jay Norsworthy had a couple of things to do last Friday morning after launching in Toledo Bend’s Sandy Creek area at 7:30.[…]
If you get the opportunity to fish with a guy who is named after the fish he catches, you better go with him.[…]
Think you’ve been under pressure to lip your buddies bass? The poor guy in this video is tasked with grabbing a massive fish that weigned more than 12 pounds — and the angler shouting at him was Bassmaster Elite Series pro Brandon Palaniuk.[…]
It’s hard to believe the arid climate of South Texas can produce such a variety of wildlife, but our trip proved the area just north of the Mexico border to be a hunting gold mine.[…]