April speck action in Sulphur Mine, Catfish Lake
Capt. Mike Guidry, of Rippin Lip Guide Service, says he’ll fish the Sulphur Mine and Catfish Lake this month until the trout make their annual transition.[…]
Capt. Mike Guidry, of Rippin Lip Guide Service, says he’ll fish the Sulphur Mine and Catfish Lake this month until the trout make their annual transition.[…]
The Galliano Sulfur Mine area has produced good numbers and good sizes of speckled trout for decades during this time of year.[…]
Dear Capt. Paul:
What are the coordinates of where the Freeport sulphur facility used to be on Garden Island Bay? What is the name of the pass they were on: Southwest or South pass?[…]
When Capt. Gordon Matherne (985-491-3452) called and reported catching big specks in the very skinny water around the Sulfur Mine, he didn’t have to ask me along on his next trip twice.[…]
Saltwater anglers have long been at the mercy of the wind more so than freshwater anglers. The very nature of fishing sprawling bays and open lagoons along a wide-open coast means wind direction and strength must be taken into account before and during every trip.[…]
If the trout were a little blue last week, they’ve got to be a little confused this week. What’s a trout, or an angler for that matter, to do when the daytime high goes from 70 degrees one day to 50 the next?[…]
All the limits of speckled trout reportedly coming from south Louisiana’s bays and bayous has caused the fishing report boards to buzz lately with postings from anglers that think the trout limit should be reduced and with those believing things are all right just as they are.[…]