
Shock and Awe

Passing over the Calumet Bridge that crosses the Wax Lake Outlet spillway, I glanced south. In the wee hours of the morning, close to the end of the graveyard shift, white stern lights dotted the waterway like the string on a plumb-line as far as the eye could see.[…]


Top 3 for Deer

To raise trophy deer, you need to establish a long-term land-management program, including plans for supplemental feeding, green-field planting, protecting younger age-class bucks and maintaining your herd under the carrying capacity of the land.[…]


Finally Fall!

Few things in the Louisiana coastal fishing arena can match the fall and winter speckled trout run. The problem lies in the timing of such an event. Myriad factors go into exactly when the fish turn on, whether it’s catching them in the passes during years of a low Mississippi River or in the surrounding bays when the Big Muddy swells.[…]


2009-10 WMA Forecast

Talk to the experts, and a hunter can come away with a comfortable feeling he has a reasonable chance to harvest deer, rabbits, squirrel, waterfowl, doves, turkey and feral hogs in one or more public hunting areas within a reasonable driving distance of his home in the Sportsman’s Paradise.[…]


In the Bag

Even though killing gets lower on our priority lists as we get older, there’s no doubt that we all want to kill something when we go hunting. […]


Mr. Gone

In typical bureaucratic style, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers completed damming the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet on April 22 of this year.[…]