Gettin’ it all right — Duck-hunting tips for success
Sometimes it just pays to be right in the place at the right time. That’s definitely the case with duck hunting.[…]
Sometimes it just pays to be right in the place at the right time. That’s definitely the case with duck hunting.[…]
In all its infinite wisdom, the U.S. Army determined after basic training at Ft. Polk, La., that I needed to be bussed to Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo. — a multi-use base about 50 miles from St. Louis — where I would receive advanced individual training (AIT) in my Army skill.[…]
From the Complaints You Will Never Hear department: “I fished in the wind all day and still have too darned much power left in my trolling motor batteries!”[…]
One dark Friday night in early November 1977, under the direction of an older, more-experienced wildlife enforcement officer, I parked the Bronco overlooking a large area of recently harvested soybean fields.[…]
As this month’s title implies, we’re going to spend a few minutes tracking and dissecting the progression and timing of the rut so we can anticipate where to place our trail cameras and stands for best affect this season.[…]
South Louisiana offers great duck hunting and saltwater fishing during the late fall and early winter for kayakers.[…]
Here are some steps to take that have helped Louisiana duck hunters work ahead of hunts to prevent headaches in the blind.[…]
Xpress Boats of Hot Springs, Ark., has expanded its lineup of all-weld duck boats.[…]
There can be more than initially meets the eye when it comes to bridge fishing. Consider these points when fishing.[…]
Cleaning really big catfish — those over 25 pounds — is like butchering a hog. The skin is thick and tough; rib-cage bones are big and defy a sharp knife.[…]
It used to be that a catfish jug was just that — a simple jug that could be a used plastic milk or oil container.[…]
When it comes to flies, Capt. Jeff Poe is decidedly old school.[…]
Derek Logan told me his wife Rebecca liked to fish. Still, I wasn’t prepared for what I met.[…]
Capt. Jeff Poe doesn’t hesitate when naming his most memorable fly-caught speckled trout of his life.[…]
The definition of “mojo” is pretty straightforward: “a power that may seem magical and that allows someone to be very effective and successful.”[…]
When it comes to hunting coastal waterfowl, whether in the agricultural rice fields or the National Wildlife Refuge system, a hard-hitting shotgun shell is of utmost importance, particularly where geese are in the mix.[…]