Where can I fish for mangroves?
Dear Capt. Paul:
I just resently bought a 22-foot boat, and I would love to start fishing Grand Isle for mangrove snapper.[…]
Dear Capt. Paul:
I just resently bought a 22-foot boat, and I would love to start fishing Grand Isle for mangrove snapper.[…]
The one-two punch of Katrina and Rita claimed upwards of 50,000 boats, many of which have been totaled by the insurance companies[…]
The wind whipped across Toledo Bend the day after a front passed, and Joe Joslin wasn’t look forward to running north from his camp to the relative protection of Six Mile Creek.[…]
If you’re a Louisiana resident, George W. Bush is the worst president you’ve ever had .Jimmy Carter was bad, but at least he was an equal-opportunity disaster.[…]
The first thing that stood out to me was just how clear the water was. I mean, this was Lake Pontchartrain — post Katrina.[…]
Hear that? That’s the sound of millions of bass moving to the beds.[…]
Kirk Stansel was worried when he finally made it back to his lodge after Hurricane Rita tore through Southwest Louisiana in September.[…]
Time travel is a scary proposition.
For one thing, you never know if the portal you slide down is two ways. I mean, really, when you’re vaporized from one era and reconstructed in another, is there any guarantee you’ll be able to get back to where you started?[…]
It was still dark in the pre-dawn hours of a Thursday morning when I shook hands with Capt. Chad Dufrene and we sat down for breakfast at Rose’s Café in Golden Meadow.[…]
Folks living in the northern portion of the state don’t have far to look when seeking good fishing waters.[…]
With over 600,000 acres, Louisiana’s Kisatchie National Forest can seem an overwhelming place to find a turkey, much less to end a hunt successfully.[…]
Jody Perrault and Travis Brown struggled to bring their sack of bass to the scales at the conclusion of the Bass Busters Team Trail kick-off tournament at Lake Concordia last February.[…]
I was in my sixth decade of life before I was even remotely interested in spring turkey hunting.[…]
Those fish aren’t gonna hit that plastic,” my fishing buddy said emphatically more than a decade ago.[…]
One of my best trips of last season was prophesized by the Bible.[…]
Carlos is becoming an optics snob.
“Didja see what they put on that rifle? That cheap scope? Can you believe that?”[…]