What’s a “top”?

Keeping your distance from a top and fishing it from the outside in helps you catch more crappie.

A top is simply a submerged brush top, the top of a bush or tree or a fallen tree with lots of submerged limbs. Tops sometimes lay where they fall, and other times current washes them onto sandbars or into river lakes. Tops hold baitfish — and that’s where you’ll find the feeding fish. Tops also give fish like crappie a good place to hide from their predators.

“Tops” tips

Never underestimate a top. Fish all the way around it, and up in the middle of the thickest part. If you think fish should be there and you don’t get a bite, come back later and try again. Sometimes there may be two dozen fish in a top and they just don’t bite at certain times — but they’ll get hungry later.

About Kinny Haddox 595 Articles
Kinny Haddox has been writing magazine and newspaper articles about the outdoors in Louisiana for 45 years. He publishes a daily website, lakedarbonnelife.com and is a member of the Louisiana Chapter of the Outdoor Legends Hall of Fame. He and his wife, DiAnne, live in West Monroe.