Capt. Tommy Pellegrin uses slip corks because they make it so easy to cast.
He uses slip corks because they make it so easy to cast, even working over deep water.
And on the terminal end of the leader is something he said is critical to suckering even finicky trout.
“I use a No. 4 treble hook,” Pellegrin said.
The reason is pretty simple.
“When you hook one, you can pull it in the boat and never have to worry about it (coming off),” Pellegrin explained. “You have to use pliers to pull (the hook) out.”
And solid hookups are much more likely than when using J hooks.
“That No. 4 treble hook is so small, (trout) don’t even know different when the hook sticks them,” Pellegrin said. “They don’t even feel the hook when they swallow it.”