LDWF Enforcement Division investigating fatal deer hunting incident in Tangipahoa Parish

Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries enforcement agents are investigating a fatal hunting incident that occurred on Dec. 28 in Tangipahoa Parish.

Roberto Garcia, 61, of Baton Rouge, was shot by a hunter while hunting on the Sandy Hollow Wildlife Management Area (WMA) near Kentwood.

Agents received information about a hunter that was fatally shot by another hunter on the Sandy Hollow WMA around 8:45 a.m. on Dec. 28. Agents responded to the scene and learned that Garcia was hit by a .45 caliber muzzleloader and died before any first responders could arrive.

According to the shooter, he was shooting at a deer and didn’t know that Garcia was behind the deer due to vegetation.

The LDWF Enforcement Division will be the lead investigative agency for this fatal hunting incident. Garcia’s body was turned over to the Tangipahoa Parish Coroner’s Office.

The LDWF Enforcement Division would like to remind deer hunters to follow hunter orange requirements and to fully identify their target and background before pulling the trigger.