LDWF agent cites three subjects for waterfowl hunting violations in Assumption Parish

A Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries enforcement agent cited three subjects for alleged migratory game bird violations on Dec. 20 in Assumption Parish.

Senior Agent Patrick Stansbury cited Richard Boudreaux, 56, and Jolee Daigle, 21, both from Napoleonville, for hunting waterfowl without a state duck license. Jennifer Boudreaux, 56, of Napoleonville, was cited for hunting waterfowl without a federal duck stamp and taking over the limit of migratory game birds.

Senior Agent Stansbury received a complaint about the three subjects hunting close to a residence in Napoleonville. Senior Agent Stansbury responded to the scene and found the three subjects actively hunting for migratory game birds without being properly licensed and in possession of 10 wood ducks. Jennifer Boudreaux admitted to taking four of the wood ducks, which put her over the daily limit of wood ducks by one.

Licensed hunters are only allowed to take three wood ducks as part of their daily bag limit of six ducks. Senior Agent Stansbury seized the 10 wood ducks and donated them to a local charity.

Taking over the limit of ducks and hunting without a federal duck stamp brings a $400 to $950 fine and up to 120 days in jail for each offense. Hunting waterfowl without a state duck license carries up to a $350 fine.

The three subjects will also face civil restitution totaling $266 for the replacement value of the illegally taken wood ducks.