It’s now or never for duck hunters who just can’t get enough of the thrill of committed birds diving into a meticulously set out spread.
If only Pelayo were as punctual as wood ducks. The exasperating two-winged creatures keep a rigid daily schedule, flying exactly five minutes before and five minutes after legal shooting time.
But with the exasperating two-legged creature scheduled to pick me up this morning, you never know.
“I was two miles onto the Causeway when I realized I still had the full-choke screwed in!” he sputtered on the cell phone as I answered it in the kitchen while microwaving some coffee. “Forgot I still had it in from that buckshot deer hunt last week. So I had to turn around at the first crossover, head back home and change to modified, even packed along the improved just in case. Be there in 15 minutes.”Click here to read more on Swan Song